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Khaled Al-Hazmi. Step and the express language. DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-94017.0, University of Keele, Dake Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, 1994. available as

Amedeo Cesta, Daniela D'Aloisi, and Vittorio Giannini. Active interfaces for useful software tools. In Y.Anzai and K.Ogawa, editors, Proceedings of the 6th Int. Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction, Yokohama, Japan, July 9-14, 1995. Elsevier Science, July 1995. In press.

Amedeo Cesta and Maria Miceli. Situation assessment in help-seeking: Interaction strategies in multi-agent domains. Technical Report TR-IP-PSCS-94-5, IP-CNR, May 1994. Proceedings of the Second International Round Table on Abstract Intelligent Agent (AIA94), 1994.

C. V. Damásio, W. Nejdl, L. Pereira, and M. Schroeder. Model-based diagnosis preferences and strategies representation with meta logic programming. In Krzysztof R. Apt and Franco Turini, editors, Meta-logics and Logic Programming. The MIT Press, 1995.

S.M. Deen. An architectural framework for some ckbs applications. DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-94001.0, University of Keele, Dake Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, 1994. available as

S.M. Deen. A cooperation framework for holonic interactions in manufacturing. In Proc. of the Second International Working Conference on CKBS, June 1994, pages 103--124. DAKE Centre, University of Keele, 1994. ISBN 0 9521789 2 3 : Also DAKE/-/TR-940006.0, available as

S.M. Deen. Cooperation issues in holonic manufacturing systems. In Proc. of the International Conference on Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing, pages 401--412. Elsevier, 1994. ISSN 0926 5481 : Also DAKE/-/TR940012.0, available as

S.M. Deen. Systems characteristics of holons for intelligent manufacturing systems. DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-94003.0, University of Keele, Dake Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, 1994. available as

R. Dieng. Agent-Based Method for Building a Cooperative Knowledge-Based System. In Proc. of the Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1994 (FGCS'94) Workshop on Heterogeneous Cooperative Knowledge-Bases, pages 237--251, Tokyo, Japan, dicembre 1994.

R. Dieng. Conflict management in Knowledge Acquisition. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AIEDAM), Special Issue on Conflict Management in Design, Summer 1995.

R. Dieng. Specifying a Cooperative Knowledge-Based System through Agent-Based Acquisition. In B. Gaines and M. Musen, editors, Proc. of the 9th Banff Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems (KAW'95), volume 1, pages 20--1--20--20, Banff, Canada, February - March 1995. Also in Proc. of the International Workshop on the Design of Cooperative Systems (COOP'95), Juan-les-Pins, January 1995, p. 141-160.

R. Dieng, O. Corby, and S. Labidi. Agent-Based Knowledge Acquisition. In L. Steels, G. Schreiber, and W. Van de Velde, editors, A Future for Knowledge Acquisition: Proc. of the 8th European Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, EKAW'94, pages 63--82. Springer-Verlag, Hoegaarden, Belgium, September 1994.

R. Dieng, O. Corby, and S. Labidi. Expertise Conflicts in Knowledge Acquisition. In B. Gaines and M. Musen, editors, Proc. of the 8th International Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems (KAW'94), volume 2, pages 23--1--23--19, Banff, Canada, January - February 1994.

Eric Dubois and Michael Petit. The formal requirements engineering of manufacturing systems. In S.M. Deen, editor, Proc. of the Second International Working Conference on Cooperative Knowledge Based Systems -- CKBS'94, pages 67--82, Keele (UK), June 14-17, 1994. available as

Eric Dubois and Michaël Petit. Using a formal declarative language for specifying requirements modelled in cimosa. In François Vernadat, editor, Proc. of the European workshop on Integrated Manufacturing Systems Engineering -- IMSE'94, pages 233--241, Grenoble (France), December 12-14, 1994. INRIA Rhône-Alpes.

Martyn Fletcher. A ckbs approach to dynamic network management. DAKE Centre Poster DAKE/-/TR-94015.0, University of Keele, Dake Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, June 1994. A poster presented at the Second International Working Conference on CKBS, available as

Martyn Fletcher. A ckbs model of dynamic service management. DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-94011.0, University of Keele, Dake Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, December 1994. Also registered as a CS dept. technical report TR95-02,ISSN 1353-7776, available as

Martyn Fletcher. Implementing an intelligent network routing model in a ckbs. DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-940014.0, University of Keele, Dake Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, 1994. available as

Martyn Fletcher. Orthogonal ckbs approaches to congestion management. DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-04004.0, University of Keele, Dake Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, August 1994. Submitted to the Fourth International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks. Also registered as CS dept. technical report TR94-16, available as

Martyn Fletcher and S.M. Deen. Multi agent design issues in congestion management. In S.M. Deen, editor, Proc. of the CKBS-SIG Workshop, Sept. 1993, pages 280--302. DAKE Centre, University of Keele, 1994. ISBN 0 9521789 1 5 : Also DAKE/-/TR-940016.0, available as

Peter Fröhlich, Wolfgang Nejdl, and Michael Schröder. A formal semantics for preferences and strategies in model-based diagnosis. In International Workshop on Principles of Diagnoses, pages 106--113, New Paltz, NY, October 1994.

Peter Fröhlich, Wolfgang Nejdl, and Michael Schröder. A formal semantics for preferences and strategies in model-based diagnosis. In International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 106--113. Morgan-Kaufmann, Montreal, August 1995.

Farhad Heidari. Flexible manufacturing systems - an overview of progress in research and in practice. DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-94008.0, University of Keele, Dake Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, 1994. available as

Farhad Heidari. Issues in scheduling automated manufacturing systems. DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-94010.0, University of Keele, Dake Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, 1994. available as

Farhad Heidari. Manufacturing intelligence - an overview of progress in research and in practice. DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-94007.0, University of Keele, Dake Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, 1994. available as

Athula Herath. Towards a ckbs model for holonic manufacturing environments. DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-94002.0, University of Keele, Dake Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, January 1994. available as

Maria Miceli, Amedeo Cesta, and Paola Rizzo. Defining autonomous help in distributed work environments. In Reinhard Oppermann, Sebastiano Bagnara, and David Benyon, editors, Proceedings of ECCE7, Seventh European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, pages 367--377. GMD, September 1994.

Maria Miceli, Amedeo Cesta, and Paola Rizzo. Distributed artificial intelligence from a socio-cognitive standpoint: Looking at motivations for interaction. Technical Report TR-IP-PSCS-95-1, IP-CNR, January 1995. Submitted to Acta Psychologica Special Issue on Cognitive Ergonomics.

Wolfgang Nejdl and Martin Werner. Distributed intelligent agents for control, diagnosis and repair. Technical report, RWTH Aachen, August 1994.

Paola Rizzo, Amedeo Cesta, and Maria Miceli. Basic ingredients for modeling help-giving in multi-agent systems. Technical Report TR-IP-PSCS-94-8, IP-CNR, September 1994. also appeared in Draft Proceedings of the 2nd International Working Conference on Cooperative Knowledge Based Systems (CKBS94), Keele, UK, June 15-17.

Paola Rizzo, Amedeo Cesta, and Maria Miceli. On helping behavior in cooperative systems. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Design of Cooperative Systems (COOP-95). INRIA, 1995. A previous version appeared as [30].

P.-A. Tourtier. A flexible facilitator-based cooperation framework. In Proc. of the Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1994 (FGCS'94) Workshop on Heterogeneous Cooperative Knowledge-Bases, pages 101--110, Tokyo, Japan, december 1994.

P.-A. Tourtier and C. Amergi. Toward Human-Computer Collaboration. In Proc. of the 6th Internation Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI'95), Tokyo, Japan, July 1995.

Sat Mar 16 14:56:52 MET 1996