Next: FridaySep 17,
Up: General Meeting of
Previous: General Meeting of
- 14:15
- opening, P-Y Schobbens
- 14:20
- INRIA Sophia ``A Model of Cognitive Agent for the Design of a Cooperative Explanatory System'', R Dieng
- 14:50
- INESC Lisbon and Imperial College, Jose Fiadeiro
- 16:00
- Imperial College ``hierarchies of defaults'', by M Ryan
- 16:20
- NRCCL-Oslo and Imperial College, by A Jones
- 10:00
- TUBs ``Modelling of Information Agents'' by G Saake
- 17:10
- Vrije Univ and Utrecht, by JJ Meyer and R Wieringa
- 17:30
- Namur ``agents in specifications'', by E Dubois
- 18:00
- Keele by M Deen
Sat Mar 16 14:56:52 MET 1996