Next: Monday 23 January
Up: General Meeting of
Previous: General Meeting of
- 9h30-12h
- SG2 meeting (Logics and models of action)
- 14h-16h30
- SG2 tutorial (Logics and models of action)
- 14h
- Overview of the family of temporal and dynamic logics;
application to the specification of objects and object societies
by Jose Fiadeiro
- 14h40
- Deontic logic as a variant of dynamic logic
by JJ Meyer
- 15h10
- Recent research in the deontic logic of action
by Roel Wieringa
- 15h40
- The modal logic of agency:
by Andrew Jones
- 16h10
- From Local to Global Temporal Specifications
by Stefan Conrad
- 16h25
- overview of planned research topics, and
requirements for a ModelAge logic of action.
by Gunter Saake
- 17h-18h
- Preparation of the open ModelAge Workshops
Sat Mar 16 14:56:52 MET 1996