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Two types of SGs are created:
- ``semantics'' SGs
- , looking at the integration of several of ``facets''.
They should provide a tutorial summary of the state of the art
and a proposal for integrating their facets.
- SG1: Defeasibility and agent modalities (leader: PY Schobbens)
This group will study the defeasible interaction of
norms, knowledge, goals, capabilities, etc.
- SG2: Logics and models of action (leader: G Saake)
- SG3: Interaction in organizations (leader: A Jones)
- ``application'' SGs
- should identify the main concepts required
for application in their domain, and also provide some examples
treated with some existing model of ``agent''.
- SG4: Software development process (leader: M Ryan)
- SG5: Diagnostic/Repair/reconfiguration/industrial control
(leader: W Nejdl)
It has still to be decided whether an application group
`` Business and legal applications'', distinct from the SG3, is needed.
Sat Mar 16 14:56:52 MET 1996