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- 1
H. Andreka, M. D. Ryan, and P.-Y. Schobbens.
Operators and laws for combining preference relations.
In Wieringa and Feenstra [20].
available as
- 2
B. van Linder, W. van der Hoek, and J.-J. Ch. Meyer.
Actions that make you change your mind: Belief revision in an
agent-oriented setting.
Technical Report UU-CS-1994-53, Utrecht University, December 1994.
- 3
B. van Linder, W. van der Hoek, and J.-J. Ch. Meyer.
The dynamics of default reasoning.
Technical Report UU-CS-1994-48, Utrecht University, October 1994.
- 4
H. Prakken.
Argumentation with defeasible conditionals: a preliminary report
(extended abstract).
In Cees Witteveen, editor, Proceedings of Dutch/German Workshop
on Non-Monotonic Reasoning. Utrecht University, March 1995.
- 5
H. Prakken.
From logic to dialectics in legal argument.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence and Law, Maryland. ACM Press, 1995.
- 6
H. Prakken.
A semantic view on reasoning about priorities (extended abstract).
In Cees Witteveen, editor, Proceedings of Dutch/German Workshop
on Non-Monotonic Reasoning. Utrecht University, March 1995.
- 7
H. Prakken.
Two approaches to the formalisation of defeasible deontic reasoning.
Studia Logica, 1995.
- 8
H. Prakken and M.J.Sergot.
Contrary-to-duty obligations.
Studia Logica, 1995.
- 9
H. Prakken and G. Sartor.
On the relation between legal language and legal argument:
assumptions, applicability and dynamic priorities.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence and Law, Maryland. ACM Press, 1995.
- 10
M. D. Ryan and P.-Y. Schobbens.
Belief revision and verisimilitude.
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 36(1), 1995.
In print, available as
- 11
M. D. Ryan, A. Sernadas, and C. Sernadas.
Adjunctions between default frameworks.
In Wieringa and Feenstra [20].
available as
- 12
P.-Y. Schobbens.
Combining preferences requires hierarchies: An arrow theorem.
In Cees Witteveen, editor, Proceedings of Second Dutch/German
Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning. Utrecht University, March 1995.
available as
- 13
Y.-H. Tan and L.W.N. van der Torre.
DIODE: Deontic logic based on diagnosis from first
In Proceedings of the Workshop `Artificial normative reasoning'
of the Eleventh European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'94),
Amsterdam, 1994.
- 14
Y.-H. Tan and L.W.N. van der Torre.
Multi preference semantics for a defeasible deontic logic.
In Proceedings of the JURIX'94, Amsterdam, 1994.
- 15
Y.-H. Tan and L.W.N. van der Torre.
Representing deontic reasoning in a diagnostic framework.
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Legal Applications of Logic
Programming of the Eleventh International Conference on Logic Programming
(ICLP'94), 1994.
An extended version of this paper will appear in the Journal of
Artificial Intelligence and Law.
- 16
Y.-H. Tan and L.W.N. van der Torre.
Representing legal knowledge in a diagnostic framework.
Technical Report WP 94.12.02, EURIDIS, 1994.
- 17
Y.-H. Tan and L.W.N. van der Torre.
A diagnostic model for defeasible deontic logic.
In Proceedings of the European Conference on Symbolic and
Quantitative Appraoches to Reasoning and Uncertainty (ECSQARU-95), 3--5 July
- 18
L.W.N. van der Torre.
Violated obligations in a defeasible deontic logic.
In Proceedings of the Eleventh European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (ECAI'94), pages 371--375. John Wiley
Sons, 1994.
- 19
L.W.N. van der Torre and Y.-H. Tan.
Cancelling and overshadowing: two types of defeasibility in
defeasible deontic logic.
Technical Report WP 95.02.01, EURIDIS, 1995.
To appear in: Proceedings of the IJCAI-95.
- 20
R. Wieringa and R. Feenstra, editors.
Information Systems: Correctness and Reuse.
World Scientific Publishing Co., 1995.
Sat Mar 16 14:56:52 MET 1996