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- The Albert II language (an agent-oriented language for requirements
specification with real-time temporal constructs) has been defined
intuitively and formally defined respectively in [5] and
- Features of the Albert II language has been validated through
the handling of a medium size case study with real-time, concurrency
and distribution aspects [7].
- An analysis of the differences between the concept of an
``agent'' and the popular concept of an ``object'' with regard to
the specification of information systems has been made
[19]. The agent-based approach promises to provide a
semantically richer framework for specifying distributed,
heterogeneous information systems.
- For the specification language TROLL operational semantics for
prototypical execution of specifications have been considered
especially for the concept of object interaction [8,9].
- The development of a basic calculus for expressing and proving
properties of objects and its use for designing information systems
have been presented in [3,2]. Although this
calculus was originally intended for object specification
frameworks, it could be extended to a more advanced, agent-based
specification framework for information systems due to its
fundamental conception.
- For object specification languages like TROLL an extension which
captures the evolution of object behaviour has been proposed and
discussed in [20]. Whereas usually the behaviour of objects
is fixed during specification time, this extensions allows to change
the behaviour of objects during runtime of a system in a certain
restricted way. Thereby, a more agent-like behaviour is obtained
because, for instance, the change of behaviour can be understood as
a change of goals for an agent.
- Results have been obtained on modal logic for the specification
of the behaviour of multi-agent systems. As basis a blend of
epistemic and dynamic logic is employed augmented with a special
ability operator. Especially work has been done on specifying
knowledge producing actions such as observations, communication,
default reasoning and belief revision [10,11,15,14].
- An integrated framework for both ought-to-be and ought-to-do
constraints has been proposed and investigated [1].
Furthermore, work has been done on the assessment of the infamous
paradoxes of deontic logic with respect to the use of this logic in
computer science and AI applications. Special focus has been put on
a solution of the Free Choice paradox by means of so-called
contexts. The logics considered are based on dynamic logic
- A first combination of Petri nets and deontic logic has been
carried out by modelling deontic states in Petri Nets [12].
- Another, more directly implementable approach is [16].
- Proposal of a new notion of guarded command based on the
distinction between permission and obligation guards and of a new
class of properties --- willingness, their formalisation in
branching-time logic, and results on compositionality [18].
- Refinement techniques for actions in the context of
object/agent-based systems specified in temporal logic
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Sat Mar 16 14:56:52 MET 1996