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Minutes of meetings

Preparation Meeting (August 23, 1994, Schloss Dagstuhl):

Participants: G. Saake (chair), P.-Y. Schobbens, R. Wieringa.

Main topics of this meeting were the preparation of the SG2 tutorial for the ModelAge General Meeting and the identification of research directions. A first structure of the tutorial was worked out:

  1. Overview of the family of temporal and dynamic logics; application to the specification of objects and object societies
  2. Examples of intended applications for ModelAge
  3. Derivation of requirements for a ModelAge logic of action from 2.
  4. Some dynamic logic: more detailed presentation and critical assessment
  5. Some temporal logic, more detailed presentation and critical assessment

With regard to research directions the following themes were identified as examples for future work:

specification of real-time systems
integration of time and actions with other modalities (deontic, belief, ...)
exploration of the usefulness of mu-calculi in action logics
the work on part 3 of the tutorial will show more research directions

Coordination Meeting (September 29, 1994, Amsterdam):

Participants: S. Conrad, J.L. Fiadeiro, T. Maibaum, M. Ryan, G. Saake (chair), P.-Y. Schobbens, R. Wieringa.

Here, the topics of the previous meeting were dealt with in more detail. As a result the table of contents for the SG2 Tutorial was slightly modified as follows:

  1. Overview of the family of temporal and dynamic logics; application to the specification of objects and object societies
  2. Examples of intended applications for ModelAge (will also include an overview of planned research topics, and derivation of requirements for a ModelAge logic of action)
  3. Overview of agency from a philosophical point of view:
    1. Introduction: why a logic of agency as control?
    2. Different approaches: Segerberg, Poern, Belnap.
    3. Formal notions of control and goal-directedness (Sommerhoff and Ashby): avoidability and non-accidence.
    4. Semantical framework.
    5. A logic of agency, ability and opportunity.
  4. Dynamic logic, actions and initiatives
  5. Some temporal logic; should also include the composition of temporal specifications

SG2 Meeting (January 22, 1995, Sophia-Antipolis):

Participants: S. Conrad, Ph. Du Bois, J.L. Fiadeiro, A. Jones, J.-J. Meyer, H. Prakken, M. Ryan, G. Saake (chair), P.-Y. Schobbens, M. Shanahan, C. Türker, W. Van der Hoek, B. Van Linder, R. Wieringa.

SG2 Tutorial (January 22, 1995, Sophia-Antipolis):

Participants: all participants of the General meeting.

The tutorial consisted of the following talks:

  1. Overview of the Family of Temporal and Dynamic Logics (J. Fiadeiro)
  2. Deontic Logic as a Variant of Dynamic Logic (J.-J. Meyer)
  3. recent research in the Deontic Logic of Action (R. Wieringa)
  4. The Modal Logic of Agency (A. Jones)
  5. From Local to Global Temporal Specifications (S. Conrad)

Working Meeting (March 13, 15, and 17, 1995, Lisbon):

Participants: J.L. Fiadeiro, T. Maibaum (on March 15 only), G. Saake.

The following topics were discussed:

On March 14 and 16, G. Saake had meetings with researchers currently outside ModelAge (A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas, P. Gouveia, C. Caleiro, J. Ramos, formerly related to ModelAge via Mark Ryan), which may however lead to ModelAge related publications. Discussed topics: Extension of the work on Evolving Object Specifications (based on the paper [20] which is related to ModelAge aspects), Aspects of Object Certification, Operational Models for Temporal Logic Specifications.

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Sat Mar 16 14:56:52 MET 1996