Dixième Anniversaire de la Conférence Francophone sur les
Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels
175e anniversaire de l'Université de Namur, Belgique
13-15 juin 2007
-  Accueil
-  Appel à communications
-  Soumission
-  Programme
-  Conférence invitée
-  Actes
-  Namur
-  Voyage
-  Logement
-  Inscription
-  Comités
-  Éditions précédentes
-  Mécènes
Photo de Namur

Adresse de la conférence :
Institut d'Informatique
rue Grandgagnage, 21
5000 NAMUR Belgique

The conference will be hosted by the Institute of Informatics at the University of Namur, Belgium.

Capital of the Walloon Region, Namur is a beautiful city of 80.000 inhabitants. Its position at the confluent of two rivers gave it military and economic appeal, exploited by the Roman Empire and by many others since then. Much evidence of Namur's past can be visited nowadays, including the citadel, one of the greatest in Europe.

Close to Brussels (60 km) and at the intersection of European railways and highways, Namur can be easily reached by road, train, and plane.

Image de la citadelle