Integrating verisimilitude The relation between belief revision and theory approximation was explored in [10]. Strategies for revising beliefs and for comparing theories by their closeness to the truth are compared.
Integrating distance functions Work was done to integrate and compare different semantic frameworks for defaults, specifically the preference relation framework and the distance function framework [11]. This is done by establishing adjunctions between these frameworks and another one which generalises these two.
Integrating arguments In [5] a general perspective is developed on the relation between deduction, defeasible reasoning and a new development in Artificial Intelligence, in particular AI and Law. This is the development of procedural models, or protocols for debate, i.e. for the fair and effective regulation of a dispute (Loui, Gordon, Vreeswijk). In these models reasoning is regarded as a dialectical process, and reasoners are explicitly defined as elements of the model. In [5] it is argued that defeasible reasoning can best be formalised as an argument-based system built around a deductive logic, and that protocols for debate can best be modelled as being built around an argument-based system.