

Programme (prévisionnel) :


9h30-10h - Accueil


10h00-11h15 - Keynote : "What research in SPLE is not solving in Configuration" par Arnaud Hubaux, ASML.


11h15-11h45 - Café


11h45-12h45 - Session Lignes de Produits Dirigées par les Modèles:


Nicolas Sannier, Guillaume Bécan, Sana Ben Nasr and Benoit Baudry. On Product Comparison Matrices and Variability Models from a Product Comparison/Configuration Perspective


Guillaume Bécan, Sana Ben Nasr and Benoit Baudry. An Ontologic-Aware Feature Modeling Environment


Tewfik Ziadi, Saher Tegane, Kchir Selma and Serge Stinckwich. Software Product Lines for the development of Families of DSLs for Robotics


Germain Saval. CONFETOOLS: A tool to generate an interactive configuration interface and runtime


12h45-14h15 - Repas


14h15-15h00 - Session Analyse, Test & Vérification


Maxime Cordy, Marco Willemart, Andreas Classen, Patrick Heymans, Pierre-Yves Schobbens and Axel Legay. Verifying Software Product Lines with ProVeLines


Clément Quinton, Daniel Romero and Laurence Duchien. Cardinality-Based Feature Models With Constraints: A Pragmatic Approach


Christopher Henard. PLEDGE : un éditeur et générateur de configurations pour les lignes de produits

15h00-15h30 - Formation des groupes de discussion


15h30-15h45 - Café


15h45 -17h15 - Discussions en groupe


17h15-17h30 - Clôture de la journée