BOOK: Vogel99

Title: "Programming with Enterprise JavaBeans JTS and OTS. Building Distributed Transactions with Java and C++"
Author: Vogel, Andreas and Rangarao, Madhavan

Published by: John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd, 1999.

Keywords: Distributed, JTS, OTS, JavaBeans, Transaction


Title: "Acme: Architecture Description of Component-Based Systems"
Author: Garlan, David and Monroe, Robert T. and Wile, David

Chapter 3, pp. 47--67

Crossref: Leavens2000


Title: "Enterprise JavaBeans Specification -- Version 2.0"
Author: DeMichiel, Linda G.

Date: oct, 2000

INCOLLECTION: Garlan00AcmeChapter

Title: " Acme: Architectural Description of Component-Based Systems"
Author: David Garlan and Robert T. Monroe and David Wile

In: "Foundations of Component-Based Systems", pp. 47-68

Editor: Gary T. Leavens and Murali Sitaraman

Published by: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Key: garlan

BOOK: gomaa2000

Title: "Designing concurrent, distributed, and real-time applications with UML"
Author: Gomaa, Hassan

Published by: Addison-Wesley, 2000.

BOOK: Schmidt00

Title: "Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture. Volume 2: Patterns for Concurrent and Networked Objects"
Author: Schmidt, Douglas and Stal, Michael and Rohnert, Hans and Buschmann, Frank

Published by: John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd, 2000.

BOOK: Dsouza99

Title: "Objects, Components, and Frameworks with UML. The Catalysis Approach"
Author: D'Souza, Desmond and Wills, Alan Cameron

Published by: Addison-Wesley, 1999.

Keywords: UML, Component, Catalysis

MANUAL: JavaBeans99

Title: "Enterprise JavaBeans Specification, v1.1"
Author: Matena, Vlada and Hapner, Mark

Date: December, 1999

Keywords: java, javabeans, distributed, students

BOOK: Magee99

Title: "Concurrency. State Models and Java Programs"
Author: Magee, Jeff and Kramer, Jeff

Published by: John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd, 1999.

Keywords: Java, Concurrency, State, Model, Student

BOOK: Monson-Haefel99

Title: "Enterprise JavaBeans"
Author: Monson-Haefel, Richard

Published by: O'Reilly, 1999.

Keywords: Java, Beans, Distributed, Object, Student

TECHREPORT: orbos990701

Title: "CORBA Components -- Volume I"
Author: Object Management Group

Number: orbos/99-07-01

Institution: Object Management Group

Date: aug, 1999

TECHREPORT: orbos990702

Title: "CORBA Components -- Volume II. MOF-Based Metamodels"
Author: Object Management Group

Number: orbos/99-07-02

Institution: Object Management Group

Date: aug, 1999

BOOK: Szyperski98

Title: "Component Software. Beyond Object-Oriented Programming"
Author: Szyperski, Clemens

Published by: Addison-Wesley, 1998.

MANUAL: rapide-1

Title: "DRAFT Guide to the Rapide 1.0 Language Reference Manuals"
Author: Rapide Design Team

Date: jul, 1997

MANUAL: rapide-2

Title: "DRAFT Rapide 1.0Pattern Language Reference Manual"
Author: Rapide Design Team

Date: jul, 1997

MANUAL: rapide-3

Title: "DRAFT Rapide 1.0 Types Language Reference Manual"
Author: Rapide Design Team

Date: jul, 1997

BOOK: douglass99

Title: "Doing Hard Time --- Developing Real-Time Systems with UML, Objects, Frameworks and Patterns"
Author: Douglass, Bruce Powel

Published by: Addison-Wesley, 1999.

BOOK: douglass98

Title: "Real-Time UML --- Developing Efficient Objetcs for Embedded Systems"
Author: Douglass, Bruce Powel

Published by: Addison-Wesley, 1999.