SG4 Tutorial meeting during GM'95, Sophia Antipolis, 22 January
1995. Participants: all participants at GM'95. The following talks
were given.
Requirements engineering overview (Eric Dubois).
Modularisation of Software Specifications (José Fiadeiro).
Modelling systems as a collection of cooperating agents
(Gunter Saake).
SG4 Planning meeting, Sophia Antipolis, 23 January 1995.
Participants: Stefan Conrad, Eric Dubois, Philippe Du Bois, Jose
Luis Fiadeiro, Mark Ryan, Gunter Saake, Can Tuerker.
A refocussing of the SG4 Charter was agreed, putting more emphasis
on agents as units of software modularisation and less on agents in
the formalisation of the software process.
Working meeting on `Verifying for Reuse', London (10/6/94
-- 24/6/94). Participants: J. Fiadeiro and T. Maibaum.
Working meeting on `Interconnecting Formalisms', London (14/1/95
-- 20/1/95). Participants: J. Fiadeiro and T. Maibaum.
Sat Mar 16 14:56:52 MET 1996