In spite of the organizational start-up load, the scientific work has been sustained, and yield advances in many important domains; to mention a few: in diagnostic reasoning, normative reasoning, and their common preferential semantics. As expected, the overall convergence of the work incepted in ModelAge has still to be ensured, specially across Specialist Groups.
Organizationally, the starting year of ModelAge has seen the launching of all Specialist Groups, the first General Meeting, setting up the organization for all future Workshops and General Meetings, as well as the introduction of three new member sites. Many internal administrative procedures have had to be installed at the member sites.
Quantitatively, the group has published this year 55 papers in scientific conference proceedings (the objective after 3 years is 110, see the technical annex) and 10 articles in scientific journals (the objective is 20). So the objectives seem well under way. Among these publications, 10 are the result of a collaboration of individuals from teams of different member states.
The remainder of this report is divided along the scientific topics investigated by the Specialist Groups. Appendixes detail some administrative data common to all Specialist Groups.