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  1. SG3 members presented a tutorial at the Sophia Antipolis (Jan.95) General Meeting of ModelAge, featuring two presentations from London/Oslo (resp. Marek Sergot and Andrew Jones) on formal-logical theories of Norm-Governed and Institutionalised Agent Interaction and one presentation from Rome (prepared by Rosaria Conte and Cristiano Castelfranchi) on Cognitive Issues in the Treatment of Norms in Modelling Rational Agents .
  2. Jones (Oslo) and Sergot (London) met at Imperial College, London, for discussion of their joint paper on Institutionalised Power, 13-18 October, 1994.
  3. Jones (Oslo) will visit Carmo (Lisbon) 29 March-02 April 1995, for further discussion of their joint papers on deontic integrity constraints and deontic conditionals.

  4. The doctoral student Filipe Santos from the Lisbon group visited Oslo for one month, April-May, 1994.
  5. Ron Lee (Rotterdam) visited José Fiadeiro in Lisbon, March 16-22, 1995.
  6. Jones and Sergot have given talks on ModelAge-related SG3 research at, respectively, The Norwegian Research Centre for Computers and Law and The Dept. of Computing, Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London.
  7. Jones and Sergot are invited to hold a tutorial on Deontic Logic at the Fifth International Conference on AI and Law, College Park, Maryland, USA, in May 1995.
  8. Luis Moniz and Luis Antunes visited the School of Computer Science (University of Birmingham), from 28 Feb to 8 March 1995.

Sat Mar 16 14:56:52 MET 1996