J. Carmo and Andrew J. I. Jones.
Deontic database constraints, violation and recovery.
Studia Logica, to appear.
J. Carmo and Andrew J. I. Jones.
Deontic logic and different levels of ideality.
Technical Report REPORT RRDMIST1/95, Dept. of Mathematics, Technological
University of Lisbon, 1995.
A. J. I. Jones and M. Sergot.
A formal characterisation of institutionalised power.
The Bulletin of the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics,
A. J. I. Jones.
Norm-governed systems: Some formal aspects.
In J. Bing and O. Torvund, editors, 25 Years Anthology - Norwegian
Research Center for Computers and Law. Tano forlag, 1995.
H. Herrestad and C. Krogh.
Deontic logic relativised to bearers and counterparties.
In J. Bing and O. Torvund, editors, 25 Years Anthology - Norwegian
Research Center for Computers and Law. Tano forlag, 1995.
H. Herrestad and C. Krogh.
Obligations directed from bearers to counterparties.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference On Artificial
Intelligence And Law. ACM Press, New York, May 1995.
C. Krogh.
Obligations in multiagent systems.
In The Proceedings of SCAI`95 (Scandinavian AI Conference). IOS
Press, May 1995.
R.M. Lee and R. W. H. Bons.
Ai aspects of open electronic commerce.
In Proceedings of the Seventh Dutch AI Conference, NAIC-95,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 1995.
C. Krogh.
The rights of agents.
Technical Report AFIN 1995/2, Avd. for forvaltningsinformatikk, NRCCL,
Univ.of Oslo, 1994.
P.d' Altan, J.-J. Ch. Meyer, and R.J. Wieringa.
An integrated framework for ought-to-be and ought-to-do constraints.
Technical Report IR-342, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, December 1993.
Khaled Al-Hazmi.
Step and the express language.
DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-94017.0, University of Keele, Dake
Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, 1994.
H. Andreka, M. D. Ryan, and P.-Y. Schobbens.
Operators and laws for combining preference relations.
In Wieringa and Feenstra .
Eric Dubois and Michael Petit.
The formal requirements engineering of manufacturing systems.
In S.M. Deen, editor, Proc. of the Second International Working
Conference on Cooperative Knowledge Based Systems -- CKBS'94, pages
67--82, Keele (UK), June 14-17, 1994.
Amedeo Cesta and Maria Miceli.
Situation assessment in help-seeking: Interaction strategies in
multi-agent domains.
Technical Report TR-IP-PSCS-94-5, IP-CNR, May 1994.
Proceedings of the Second International Round Table on Abstract
Intelligent Agent (AIA94), 1994.
This work explores the factors that
influence an agent's choice of a social strategy while looking for another's
help. In previous work, agent behavior was explained in term of its ability
of reasoning about others. In this paper, the behavior of the help-seeking
agent is justified by its reasoning about others' capabilities and
willingness. Three main help-seeking strategies are identified (exploitation,
benevolence-seeking, and the offer of exchange) and several variables
influencing the choice of a strategy are discussed.
Amedeo Cesta, Daniela D'Aloisi, and Vittorio Giannini.
Active interfaces for useful software tools.
In Y.Anzai and K.Ogawa, editors, Proceedings of the 6th Int. Conf. on
Human-Computer Interaction, Yokohama, Japan, July 9-14, 1995. Elsevier
Science, July 1995.
In press.
The majority of public domain software
tools is endowed with programmer-oriented interfaces and, as a consequence,
they are mainly devoted to "hackers" or specialized programmers. This paper
concerns the development of an active interface used to make the utilization
of a free software for filtering e-mail messages easy. A multi-agent
implementation of an interface is proposed that from one side allows the user
to easily specify his needs and from another actively reasons on the user's
choices to improve the performance of the filtering process.
S. Conrad.
Unterstützung des korrektheitszentrierten Entwurfs von
Informationssystemen .
In G. Lausen, editor, Datenbanksysteme in Büro, Technik und
Wissenschaft (BTW'95) . Springer-Verlag, 1995.
(in German).
S. Conrad.
A Basic Calculus form verifying properties of Interacting Objects .
Internal Report , University of Magdeburg, 1995.
(submitted to a journal).
R. Dieng, O. Corby, and S. Labidi.
Expertise C onflicts in K nowledge A cquisition.
In B. Gaines and M. Musen, editors, Proc. of the 8th International
Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems (KAW'94),
volume 2, pages 23-1--23-19, Banff, Canada, January - February 1994.
R. Dieng, O. Corby, and S. Labidi.
Agent- B ased K nowledge A cquisition.
In L. Steels, G. Schreiber, and W. Van de Velde, editors, A Future
for Knowledge Acquisition: Proc. of the 8th European Knowledge Acquisition
Workshop, EKAW'94, pages 63--82, Hoegaarden, Belgium, September 1994.
F.P.M. Dignum, J.-J. Ch. Meyer, and R.J. Wieringa.
Free choice and contextually permitted actions.
Studia Logica, 1995.
Philippe Du Bois .
Intuitive definition of the Albert II language.
Technical report, Computer Science Department, University of Namur, Namur
(Belgium), February 1995.
Philippe Du Bois .
Semantic definition of the Albert II language.
Technical report, Computer Science Department, University of Namur, Namur
(Belgium), February 1995.
Eric Dubois, Philippe Du Bois , and Jean-Marc Zeippen.
A formal requirements engineering method for real-time, concurrent,
and distributed systems.
In Proc. of ICSE-17 Workshop on Foraml Methods Applications in
Software Engineering, Seattle WA, April 24-25, 1995.
S.M Deen(Editor).
Proc. of the 1993 ckbs-sig workshop, september 1993, 1994.
ISBN 0 9521789 1 5.
S.M. Deen(Editor).
Proc. of the second international working conference on ckbs, june
1994, 1994.
ISBN 0 9521789 2 3.
S.M. Deen.
Cooperation issues in holonic manufacturing systems.
In Proc. of the International Conference on Information
Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing, pages 401-412. Elsevier, 1994.
ISSN 0926 5481 : Also DAKE/-/TR940012.0.
S.M. Deen.
A cooperation framework for holonic interactions in manufacturing.
In Proc. of the Second International Working Conference on CKBS, June
1994, pages 103-124. DAKE Centre, University of Keele, 1994.
ISBN 0 9521789 2 3 : Also DAKE/-/TR-940006.0.
S.M. Deen.
An architectural framework for some ckbs applications.
DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-94001.0, University of Keele, Dake
Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, 1994.
S.M. Deen.
Systems characteristics of holons for intelligent manufacturing
DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-94003.0, University of Keele, Dake
Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, 1994.
R. Dieng.
Agent- B ased M ethod for B uilding a C ooperative
K nowledge- B ased S ystem.
In Proc. of the Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1994 (FGCS'94)
Workshop on Heterogeneous Cooperative Knowledge-Bases, pages 237-251,
Tokyo, Japan, dicembre 1994.
R. Dieng.
Specifying a C ooperative K nowledge- B ased S ystem through
A gent- B ased A cquisition.
In B. Gaines and M. Musen, editors, Proc. of the 9th Banff Workshop
on Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems (KAW'95), volume 1,
pages 20-1--20-20, Banff, Canada, February - March 1995.
Also in Proc. of the International Workshop on the Design of
Cooperative Systems (COOP'95), Juan-les-Pins, January 1995, p. 141-160 .
R. Dieng.
Conflict management in K nowledge A cquisition.
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and
Manufacturing (AIEDAM), Special Issue on Conflict Management in Design,
Summer 1995.
J. Fiadeiro and T. Maibaum.
Verifying for reuse: Foundations of object-oriented system
In C. Hankin, I. Makie, and R. Nagarajan, editors, Theory and Formal
Methods 1994,. Springer-Verlag, 1995?
To be published.
C. Paredes and J. Fiadeiro.
Reuse of requirements and specifications -- a formal framework.
In Symposium on Software Reusability (SSR'95),. ACM, 1995.
J. Fiadeiro and T. Maibaum.
Interconnecting formalisms: supporting modularity, reuse and
J. Fiadeiro and J. F. Costa.
Institutions for behaviour specification.
In G. Reggio E. Astesiano and A. Tarlecki, editors, Recent Trends in
Data Type Specification, number 906 in Lectures Notes in Computer
Science. Springer-Verlag, 1995.
J. Fiadeiro and G. Reichwein.
A categorical theory of superposition.
Technical Report, presented at the 1st MEDICIS Workshop, Namur, December
U. Leonhardt, A. Finkelstein, J. Kramer, and B. Nuseibeh.
Decentralised process modelling in a multi-perspective development
In Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE-17),. IEEE CS Press, April 1995.
To appear.
B. Nuseibeh, A. Finkelstein, and J. Kramer.
Method engineering for multi-perspective software development.
Information and Software Technology Journal, 1995.
to appear.
A. Finkelstein, D. Gabbay, A. Hunter, J. Kramer, and B. Nuseibeh.
Inconsistency handling in multi-perspective specifications.
Transactions on Software Engineering, 20(8):569-578, August
Martyn Fletcher and S.M. Deen.
Multi agent design issues in congestion management.
In S.M. Deen, editor, Proc. of the CKBS-SIG Workshop, Sept.
1993, pages 280-302. DAKE Centre, University of Keele, 1994.
ISBN 0 9521789 1 5 : Also DAKE/-/TR-940016.0.
Martyn Fletcher.
A ckbs approach to dynamic network management.
DAKE Centre Poster DAKE/-/TR-94015.0, University of Keele, Dake Centre,
University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, June 1994.
A poster presented at the Second International Working Conference on CKBS.
Martyn Fletcher.
Orthogonal ckbs approaches to congestion management.
DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-04004.0, University of Keele, Dake
Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, August 1994.
Submitted to the Fourth International Conference on Computer
Communications and Networks. Also registered as CS dept. technical report
Martyn Fletcher.
Implementing an intelligent network routing model in a ckbs.
DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-940014.0, University of Keele, Dake
Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, 1994.
Martyn Fletcher.
A ckbs model of dynamic service management.
DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-94011.0, University of Keele, Dake
Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, December 1994.
Also registered as a CS dept. technical report TR95-02,ISSN 1353-7776.
Th. Hartmann.
Spezifikation und Ausführung von Objektinteraktionen in TROLL .
In U. Lipeck and G. Vossen, editors, Workshop Formale Grundlagen
für den Entwurf von Informationsystemen , pages 89--95. Technical
Report 03/94, Pages 89-95, University of Hannover , 1994.
(in German).
Th. Hartmann and G. Saake.
Prototypische Ausführung von Objektinteraktionen für die
Spezifikationssprache TROLL .
In F. Simon, editor, Workshop Deklarative Programmierung und
Spezifikation , pages 56--59. Technical Report No. 9412, University of
Kiel , 1994.
(in German).
Farhad Heidari.
Flexible manufacturing systems - an overview of progress in research
and in practice.
DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-94008.0, University of Keele, Dake
Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, 1994.
Farhad Heidari.
Manufacturing intelligence - an overview of progress in research and
in practice.
DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-94007.0, University of Keele, Dake
Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, 1994.
Farhad Heidari.
Issues in scheduling automated manufacturing systems.
DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-94010.0, University of Keele, Dake
Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, 1994.
Athula Herath.
Towards a ckbs model for holonic manufacturing environments.
DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-94002.0, University of Keele, Dake
Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, January 1994.
Chris Johnson.
On the termination of clause graph resolution.
Journal of Automated Reasoning, 13:83-115, 1994.
Chris Johnson.
A terminating variant of clause graph resolution.
DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-94021.0, University of Keele, Dake
Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, 1994.
Submitted to the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Chris Johnson.
On computing the gcwa.
DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-94018.0, University of Keele, Dake
Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, 1994.
Submitted to the Journal of Data and Knowledge Engineering.
Chris Johnson.
Top down deduction in indefinite deductive databases.
DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-94019.0, University of Keele, Dake
Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, 1994.
Submitted to the Journal of Automated Reasoning.
Chris Johnson.
Deduction trees and the view update problem in indefinite deductive
DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-94020.0, University of Keele, Dake
Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, 1994.
Submitted to the Journal of Automated Reasoning.
J.-J. Ch. Meyer, F.P.M. Dignum, and R.J. Wieringa.
The paradoxes of deontic logic revisited: A computer science
Technical Report UU-CS-1994-38, Utrecht University, September 1994.
Maria Miceli, Amedeo Cesta, and Paola Rizzo.
Defining autonomous help in distributed work environments.
In Reinhard Oppermann, Sebastiano Bagnara, and David Benyon, editors,
Proceedings of ECCE7, Seventh European Conference on Cognitive
Ergonomics, pages 367--377. GMD, September 1994.
This work tries to contribute from a
multi-agent systems perspective to the studies aimed at describing and
designing environments for cooperative work. In particular, it is aimed at
specifying cognitive principles for a basic kind of behavior among autonomous
members of organizations: helping behavior. Once introduced the main
assumptions of our model of a cognitive and social agent, a basic definition
of help is given and the conditions and motivations for either help-seeking
and help-giving strategies are presented.
Maria Miceli, Amedeo Cesta, and Paola Rizzo.
Distributed artificial intelligence from a socio-cognitive standpoint:
Looking at motivations for interaction.
Technical Report TR-IP-PSCS-95-1, IP-CNR, January 1995.
Submitted to Acta Psychologica Special Issue on Cognitive Ergonomics.
Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI)
deals with computational systems where several intelligent agents interact in
a common environment. This paper is aimed at pointing out and fostering the
exchange between DAI and cognitive and social sciences. An overview of DAI
research is presented that stresses the social aspects of the field. A model
of multi-agent interaction is also described which is motivated by
requirements of cognitive plausibility and grounded on the notions of power,
dependence and help. Connections with human-computer interaction are also
Baird Ndovie.
Multi-agent cooperation in air traffic control: A functional analysis.
DAKE Centre Technical Report DAKE/-/TR-940013.0, University of Keele, Dake
Centre, University of Keele, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK, February 1994.
Also published in the IMAGINE Project Final Report.
Baird Ndovie.
Simulation of a conflict management system for air traffic control.
In Proc. of the Second International Working Conference on CKBS, June
1994, pages 235-254. DAKE Centre, University of Keele, 1994.
ISBN 0 9521789 2 3 : Also DAKE/-/TR-940005.0.
Paola Rizzo, Amedeo Cesta, and Maria Miceli.
Basic ingredients for modeling help-giving in multi-agent systems.
Technical Report TR-IP-PSCS-94-8, IP-CNR, September 1994.
also appeared in Draft Proceedings of the 2nd International Working
Conference on Cooperative Knowledge Based Systems (CKBS94), Keele, UK, June
This paper concerns the helping behavior in
multi-agent systems. Helping actions represent an interesting and rich
testbed for examining the reasons for cooperative behavior in multi-agent
systems. Initial work done for representing help is described along with a
simple experimental environment.
Paola Rizzo, Amedeo Cesta, and Maria Miceli.
On helping behavior in cooperative systems.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Design of
Cooperative Systems (COOP-95). INRIA, 1995.
A previous version appeared as RIZ94.
This paper concerns the helping behavior in
multi-agent systems. Helping actions represent an interesting and rich
testbed for examining the reasons for cooperative behavior in multi-agent
systems. Starting from previous studies on multi-agent dependence relations,
a basic definition of help is given, and some of the motivations for helping
are briefly discussed. Moreover, an experimental environment for simulating
agents that can perform helping behavior is described, and some preliminary
results are presented.
M. D. Ryan and P.-Y. Schobbens.
Belief revision and verisimilitude.
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 1995.
In print.
M. D. Ryan, A. Sernadas, and C. Sernadas.
Adjunctions between default frameworks.
In Wieringa and Feenstra .
G. Saake, S. Conrad, and C. Türker.
From Object Specification towards Agent Design .
Internal Report , University of Magdeburg, 1995.
G. Saake, A. Sernadas, and C. Sernadas.
Evolving Object Specifications .
In R. Wieringa and R. Feenstra, editors, Selected Papers of the Int.
Workshop on Information Systems - Correctness and Reusability
(IS-CORE'94) . World Scientific Publishing, 1995.
P.-A. Tourtier and C. Amergi.
Toward H uman- C omputer C ollaboration.
In Proc. of the 6th Internation Conference on Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI'95), Tokyo, Japan, July 1995.
P.-A. Tourtier.
A flexible facilitator-based cooperation framework.
In Proc. of the Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1994 (FGCS'94)
Workshop on Heterogeneous Cooperative Knowledge-Bases, pages 101-110,
Tokyo, Japan, december 1994.
Eric Yu, Philippe Du Bois , Eric Dubois, and John Mylopoulos.
From organization models to system requirements - a ``cooperating
agents'' approach.
In Proc. of the Third International Conference on Cooperative
Information Systems -- CoopIS-95, Vienna (Austria), May 9-12, 1995.
University of Toronto Press inc.
C. V. Damásio, W. Nejdl, L. Pereira, and M. Schroeder.
Model-based diagnosis preferences and strategies representation with
meta logic programming.
In Krzysztof R. Apt and Franco Turini, editors, Meta-logics and Logic
Programming. The MIT Press, 1995.
P.-Y. Schobbens.
Combining preferences requires hierarchies: An arrow theorem.
In Cees Witteveen, editor, Proceedings of Second Dutch/German
Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning. Utrecht University, March 1995.
Peter Fröhlich, Wolfgang Nejdl, and Michael Schröder.
A formal semantics for preferences and strategies in model-based
In International Workshop on Principles of Diagnoses, pages
106--113, New Paltz, NY, October 1994.
Peter Fröhlich, Wolfgang Nejdl, and Michael Schröder.
A formal semantics for preferences and strategies in model-based
In International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
pages 106--113, Montreal, August 1995.
H. Prakken.
Argumentation with defeasible conditionals: a preliminary report
(extended abstract).
Proceedings of Dutch/German Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning,
March 1995.
H. Prakken.
A semantic view on reasoning about priorities (extended abstract).
Proceedings of Dutch/German Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning,
March 1995.
H. Prakken.
From logic to dialectics in legal argument.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence and Law, Maryland, 1995.
H. Prakken.
Two approaches to the formalisation of defeasible deontic reasoning.
Studia Logica, 1995.
R. Wieringa and R. Feenstra, editors.
Information Systems: Correctness and Reuse.
World Scientific Publishing Co., 1995.
N.Barreiro, J.Fiadeiro, and T.Maibaum.
Politeness in object societies.
In R. Wieringa and R. Feenstra, editors, Information Systems:
Correctness and Reuse. World Scientific Publishing Co., 1995.
J.Fiadeiro and T.Maibaum.
Sometimes 'tomorrow' is 'sometime': Action refinement in a temporal
logic of objects.
In D.M.Gabbay and H.J.Ohlbach, editors, Temporal Logic, Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence 827, pages 48-66, 1994.
Gert-Jan Lokhorst.
Extensional deontic logics of action and their implementation.
In Proceedings of the second international workshop on deontic logic
in computer science ($Delta$eon-94), Oslo, Norway, 1994.
An extended and revised version will appear in Studia Logica.
W. van der Hoek, B. van Linder, and J.-J. Ch. Meyer.
A logic of capabilities.
In A. Nerode and Yu.V. Matiyasevich, editors, Proceedings of the
Third International Symposium on the Logical Foundations of Computer Science
(LFCS'94), volume 813 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 366--378. Springer Verlag, 1994.
W. van der Hoek, B. van Linder, and J.-J. Ch. Meyer.
Unravelling nondeterminism: On having the ability to choose (extended
In P. Jorrand and V. Sgurev, editors, Proceedings of the Sixth
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems,
Applications (AIMSA'94), pages 163--172. World Scientific, 1994.
B. van Linder, W. van der Hoek, and J.-J. Ch. Meyer.
Tests as epistemic updates.
In A.G. Cohn, editor, Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'94), pages 331--335. John Wiley & Sons,
B. van Linder, W. van der Hoek, and J.-J. Ch. Meyer.
Tests as epistemic updates: Pursuit of knowledge.
Technical Report UU-CS-1994-08, Utrecht University, January 1994.
B. van Linder, W. van der Hoek, and J.-J. Ch. Meyer.
Communicating rational agents.
In B. Nebel and L. Dreschler-Fischer, editors, KI-94: Advances in
Artificial Intelligence, volume 861 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (subseries LNAI), pages 202--213. Springer Verlag, 1994.
B. van Linder, W. van der Hoek, and J.-J. Ch. Meyer.
The dynamics of default reasoning.
Technical Report UU-CS-1994-48, Utrecht University, October 1994.
B. van Linder, W. van der Hoek, and J.-J. Ch. Meyer.
Actions that make you change your mind: Belief revision in an
agent-oriented setting.
Technical Report UU-CS-1994-53, Utrecht University, December 1994.
Wolfgang Nejdl and Martin Werner.
Distributed intelligent agents for control, diagnosis and repair.
Technical report, RWTH Aachen, August 1994.
H. Prakken and M.J.Sergot.
Contrary-to-duty obligations.
Studia Logica, 1995.
H. Prakken and G. Sartor.
On the relation between legal language and legal argument:
assumptions, applicability and dynamic priorities.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence and Law, Maryland, 1995.
Y.-H. Tan J.-F. Raskin and L.W.N. van der Torre.
Modeling deontic states in petri nets.
In Proceedings of the Seventh Dutch AI Conference, NAIC-95,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands, number WP 94.12.01, June 1995.
Y.-H. Tan and L.W.N. van der Torre.
Representing deontic reasoning in a diagnostic framework.
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Legal Applications of Logic
Programming of the Eleventh International Conference on Logic Programming
(ICLP'94), 1994.
An extended version of this paper will appear in the Journal of Artificial
Intelligence and Law.
Y.-H. Tan and L.W.N. van der Torre.
Diode : D eontic logic based on diagnosis from first principles.
In Proceedings of the Workshop `Artificial normative reasoning' of
the Eleventh European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'94),
Amsterdam, 1994.
Y.-H. Tan and L.W.N. van der Torre.
Multi preference semantics for a defeasible deontic logic.
In Proceedings of the JURIX'94, Amsterdam, 1994.
Y.-H. Tan and L.W.N. van der Torre.
Representing legal knowledge in a diagnostic framework.
Technical Report WP 94.12.02, Euridis , 1994.
Y.-H. Tan and L.W.N. van der Torre.
A diagnostic model for defeasible deontic logic.
In Proceedings of the European Conference on Symbolic and
Quantitative Appraoches to Reasoning and Uncertainty (ECSQARU-95), 3--5
July 1995.
L.W.N. van der Torre.
Violated obligations in a defeasible deontic logic.
In Proceedings of the Eleventh European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (ECAI'94), pages 371--375. John Wiley $&$ Sons, 1994.
L.W.N. van der Torre and Y.-H. Tan.
Cancelling and overshadowing: two types of defeasibility in defeasible
deontic logic.
Technical Report WP 95.02.01, Euridis , 1995.
To appear in: Proceedings of the IJCAI-95.