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Felix Costa, Pierre-Yves Schobbens, Jean-Marie Jacquet, John-Jules Meyer.
- BC92
Brodie, M. L.; Ceri, S.:
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R. Jungclaus, G. Saake and C. Sernadas, ``Using Active Objects for
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Saltor, F.; Castellanos, M.; Garcia-Solaco, M.:
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Sernadas, A.; Fiadeiro, J.; Sernadas, C.; Ehrich, H.-D.:
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- She91
Sheth, A. P.:
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Saake, G.; Jungclaus, R.; Ehrich, H.-D.:
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Saake, G., Jungclaus, R., and Hartmann, T.
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In Huhns, M. and Schlageter, G., editors, Int. Conf. on
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