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- AI:
- Artificial Intelligence.
- Agent:
- a unifying concept and metaphor considered in this project.
- BRA:
- Basic Research Action
- Cooperating Knowledge-Based Systems.
- Computer-Supported Cooperative Work - a subfield of AI concerned with the modelling of human interaction in order to provide computer support. It shares many concerns with Process Modelling.
- DAI:
- Distributed Artificial Intelligence.
- DB:
- Data Bases - a field of Information Science dealing with the storage of information representing knowledge about the external world.
- DPS:
- Distributed Problem Solving.
- DSS:
- Decision Support Systems.
- Esprit:
- European Strategic Programme in Information Technologies.
- Facet:
- one of the important aspects of the concept of ``agent''. - The main facets identified here are: state (belief, knowledge, goal, obligations, etc.), behaviour.
- Field:
- in this document, a scientific discipline that is considered for cross-fertilization on the concept of ``agent''.
- Formal model:
- a mathematical representation of a concept of interest (here, agent). Formal models are the basis of any language design, and of rigourous scientific investigation in general.
- GM:
- ModelAge General Meeting. Held twice a year.
- KBS:
- Knowledge-Based Systems.
- MAS:
- Multi-Agent Systems.
- PM:
- Process Modelling - a field of Information Science concerned with the formalisation of the cooperation between agents (designers, software tools) for the obtention of a given product (often, an information system.)
- RE:
- Requirements Engineering - a field of Information Science concerned with the elicitation and formalisation of requirements on an information system to be built.
- SE:
- Software Engineering - a field of Information Science concerned with the construction of software. Here we convene to exclude RE from its scope.
- SM:
- ModelAge Specialist Meeting.
- WG:
- Working Group.
- WS:
- ModelAge Workshop. Held once each year.