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Amedeo Cesta has been a research scientist for the Italian National Research
Council (CNR) since September 1991. He obtained a degree in Electronic
Engineering from the University of Rome in 1983. After working as a
consultant in different artificial intelligence projects he joined the
Doctorate Program in Computer Science at the University of Rome in 1988 and
he obtained the "Dottorato di Ricerca" in 1992 defending a thesis on the
integration of planning and scheduling in a problem solving architecture.
During 1990 he was a visiting scholar at the Robotics Institute of the
Carnegie Mellon University. Since 1988 Dr.Cesta has being cooperating with
the Project for the Simulation of Social Behavior at the Institute of
Psychology of the CNR carrying out research on multi-agent systems with
particular attention to the formalization of the cognitive aspects of
dependence. He is also involved in the Italian Special Project on Planning
in connection with the Department of Computer Science of the University of
Rome "La Sapienza". Dr.Cesta is member of the Italian Association for AI,
AAAI, ACM and IEEE Computer Society. His current interests include
planning, scheduling, multi-agent interaction and man-machine interfaces.
Selected publications
Castelfranchi, C., Miceli, M., Cesta, A., Dependence Relations among
Autonomous Agents, in E.Werner, Y.Demazeau (Eds), Decentralized A.I. - 3
(Proceedings of the Third European Workshop on Modeling Autonomous Agents in
a Multi Agent World, August 5-7, 1991, Kaiserslautern, Germany), Elsevier
(North Holland), 1992.
Castelfranchi, C., Conte, R., Cesta, A., The Organization as a Structure of
Negotiated and Non Negotiated Binds, in G.C. van der Veer, M.J.Tauber,
S.Bagnara, M.Antalovits (Eds.), Human Computer Interaction: Tasks and
Organization. Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Cognitive
Ergonomics (ECCE6), Balatonfured, Hungary, September 6-11, 1992.
Miceli, M., Cesta, A., Strategic Social Planning: Looking for Willingness in
Multi-Agent Domains, Proc. of the Annual Meeting of the
Cognitive Science Society, Boulder, CO, June, 1993.
Cesta, A., Romano, G., Using Abstraction-Based Similarity to Retrieve Reuse
Candidates, in J.Hendler (Ed), Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems:
Proceedings of the First International Conference (AIPS92), Morgan Kaufmann,
San Mateo, CA, 1992.
Muscettola, N., Smith, S.F., Cesta, A., D'Aloisi, D., Coordinating Space
Telescope Operations in an Integrated Planning and Scheduling Architecture,
IEEE Control Systems Magazine, February 1992, Vol.12, N.1.
Cesta, A., Conte, R., Miceli, M. (Eds.), Pre-Proceedings of the 4th European
Workshop on Modeling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent World (MAAMAW '92),
S.Martino al Cimino (VT), July 29-31, 1992, IP-CNR, Roma.
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