Matthias Jarke, holder of the chair Informatik V (Information Systems), is currently chairman of the computer science department at RWTH Aachen. He holds degrees in computer science and business administration from the University of Hamburg, with a dissertation on distributed decision support systems in container transportation systems. Prior to joining RWTH Aachen in 1991, he held faculty positions at New York University (1981-1986) and the University of Passau (1986-1990). His research interests are in the area of integrated information systems for business and technical application domains.
From 1986 to 1990, he served as technical manager of ESPRIT project DAIDA (892) which developed a demonstrator for a highly integrated knowledge-based information systems environment, with strong consideration of life-cycle wide teamwork and process support. Currently, he serves as Coordinator of the ESPRIT Basic Research on Requirements Engineering, NATURE (6353), which has a strong emphasis on process integration and quality goals. His ConceptBase deductive object-oriented data base system is widely used as a research tool in European and North American industry and university labs.
Prof. Jarke is one of the co-founders of the emerging field of Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems through co-organizing a CEC/NSF-sponsored workshop series in 1992 and chairing the program committee of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems (Toronto 1994). Prof. Jarke serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Pergamon Press journal Information Systems and will be 1994 program chair of both the 4th European Database Technology Conference (Cambridge, UK) and of the 20th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (Santiago de Chile). He also serves on the editorial boards of various teamwork-related journals such as "ACM Transactions on Information Systems" and "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering".
Selected publications