B2Scala in Security documentation

The B2Scala Tool

«  B2Scala tool: Integrating Bach in Scala with Security in Mind   ::   Contents   ::   The Needham-Schroeder protocol in B2Scala  »

The B2Scala Tool

1. Programming interface

To incorporate Bach into Scala, two primary challenges need to be addressed: firstly, the declaration of data, and secondly, the declaration of agents.

1.1. Data

In relation to data, the trait si_Term is created to encompass si-terms. Specific si-terms are subsequently defined as case classes derived from this trait. For example, to operate on f(1,2) within one of the primitives (tell, ask, …), the following declaration needs to be established:

case class f( x: Int, y: Int ) extends SI_Term

Example: The public keys and nonces utilized in the Needham-Schroeder protocol are represented by the following tokens.

val pka = Token ( pka )
val pkb = Token ( pkb )
val na  = Token ( na  )
val nb  = Token ( nb  )

Encrypted messages are coded by the following si-terms:

case class encrypt2( n: SI_Term, k: SI_Term ) extends SI_Term
case class encrypt3( n: SI_Term, x: SI_Term, k: SI_Term ) extends SI_Term

1.2. Agents

The fundamental concept for programming agents involves utilizing constructs in the form of:

val P = Agent { (tell( f( 1, 2 ) ) + tell( g( 3 ) ) ) || (tell( a ) + tell( b ) ) }

To integrate a Bach agent within Scala definitions, the key component is the Agent object. This object is defined with an apply method, as shown below:

object Agent { def apply(agent: BSC_Agent) = CalledAgent(() => agent) }

This object consists of a function that maps a BSC_Agent into the Scala structure CalledAgent. The latter takes a thunk, a function with no arguments that returns an agent. This lazy evaluation approach is essential for handling recursively defined agents.

The BSC_Agent type is a trait equipped with methods for parsing Bach composed agents. Technically, it is defined as follows:

trait BSC_Agent {  this: BSC_Agent => def * ( other: => BSC_Agent )  =  ConcatenationAgent( () => this, other _)
                                      def ||( other: => BSC_Agent )  =  ParallelAgent( ()      => this, other _)
                                      def + ( other: => BSC_Agent )  =  ChoiceAgent( ()        => this, other _) }
  • The ; symbol is reserved in Scala, sequential composition is expressed using the * symbol.
  • The composition symbols *, ||, and + utilize Scala’s postfix operations.

With these definitions, a construct like tell(t) + tell(u) is interpreted as the method call + to tell(t) with tell(u) as the argument.

A generalized choice is ponded by the following construct:

GSum( L , x  =>  ag( x ) )

There L is a list, offering choice elements and x => ag(x) is a function to which the choice is applied. Consequently, GSum( List(a,b,c) , x => tell( x ) || ask( x ) ) is equivalent to (tell( a ) || ask( a )) + (tell( b ) || ask( b )) + (tell( c ) || ask( c )).

2. Implementation of the Domain Specific Language

The construction of the domain-specific language relies on the same components utilized in the Scan and Anemone workbenches Scan [1] ,Anemone [2]. These components address two primary considerations: the implementation of the store and the interpretation of agents.

2.1. The store

The store is implemented as a mutable map in Scala, initially devoid of entries. It undergoes augmentation with each structured piece of information relayed, associating it with a numerical value representing the frequency of occurrences within the store. The implementation of basic operations stems directly from this concept.

Example: When executing a tell primitive, denoted as tell(t), the system verifies whether t already exists in the map. If it does, the associated occurrence count is incremented by one. Alternatively, if t is not present, a new association (t,1) is added to the map. Conversely, the execution of the get(t) primitive involves checking whether t exists in the map. If so, the associated occurrence count is decremented by one. If either of these conditions is not met, the get primitive cannot be executed.

2.2. The interpretation of agents

Agents are interpreted through the iterative execution of transition steps, primarily defined by the function run_one. This function, given an agent in internal form, yields a boolean value and an agent in internal form. The boolean indicates whether a transition step occurred. If true, the associated agent is the result of the transition; otherwise, the failure is reported with the original agent.

  • The function is defined inductively based on the structure of the argument ag.
  • For a primitive ag, run_one executes the primitive on the store.

In the case of a sequentially composed agent ag_i ; ag_{ii}, the transition step attempts to execute the step of the first subagent ag_i. If successful, and if ag’ denotes the result of the first step of ag then the whole resulting agent is ag’ ; ag_{ii} if ag’ is not empty, or simply ag_{ii} if ag’ is empty. Failure occurs if ag_i cannot transition.

Handling agents composed of parallel or choice operators requires a randomized approach. A boolean variable, randomly set to 0 or 1, determines whether to evaluate the first or second subagent first. In case of failure, the other subagent is evaluated, and if both fail, a failure is reported. For successful parallel composition, the resulting agent is determined similarly to the sequentially composed agent. For a choice operator composition, the tried alternative is selected.

The computation of a procedure call follows a similar approach as expected.


[1]J-M. Jacquet, M. Barkallah, Scan: A Simple Coordination Workbench, in: H. Riis Nielson, E. Tuosto (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st InternationalConference on Coordination Models and Languages, Vol. 11533 of LectureNotes in Computer Science, Springer, 2019, pp. 75–91.
[2]J-M. Jacquet, M. Barkallah, Anemone: A workbench for the Multi-Bach coordination language, 2021, in: Science of Computer Programming, 202, p.102579.

«  B2Scala tool: Integrating Bach in Scala with Security in Mind   ::   Contents   ::   The Needham-Schroeder protocol in B2Scala  »